Our Wedding

Our Wedding
September 12, 2009

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Love and Marriage

Chris and I were married at the Zermatt Resort in Midway Utah on Septmeber 12, 2009. It was by far one of the best days of my life. Our wedding was absolutely fabulous and fun. Although the people working at the Zermatt did their best to screw EVERYTHING up, our family and friends were able to take charge and get things done. Thanks Everyone that helped. Chris and I are happily married and living the good life together forever. Marriage is fabulous and don't ever think it's not, or let anyone tell you it's not. Your life is what you make it. When you make the right choice in marriage, you set yourself up for a lifetime of happiness and more good choices. So choose well my friends because it will make or break the rest of your life. My advice for a happy life, CHOOSE CAREFULLY THE PERSON AND PEOPLE YOUR GOING TO SPEND IT WITH. As for me, I have made many unfortunate choices throughout my life but choosing the people around me has not been one. Thank you all the lovelies in my life. I love you all!


The One

Chris and I met through mutual friends, and let me tell it couldn't have come soon enough. I recently had dedicated all my prayers asking, no begging, God to send me "the one." I had heard from many sources that he was out there somewhere I just had to be patient. Well anyone who knows me knows I am not patient at all. Let me tell you, Chris was well worth the wait, it may have taken me ten years to find him but when I did I knew immedietly he was indeed "the one."

Chris and I spoke briefly at about midnight one night when I had run into Anthony (our mutual friend) and his wonderful wife Becky outside a small club. Anthony decided that he had the perfect friend that he wanted to hook me up with and so he called up Chris, who was half asleep at the time, and handed me the phone. It was a little awkward to say the least. A few weeks later Chris asked me to a movie and asked me to pick. I picked "Kingdom" which shocked Chris (he thought he was gonna be sittin through a chick flick for sure). I was running a little late and Chris got to the movies before me, he had no idea what I looked like, and saw a girl around my age walk in who was less than attractive and thought he was in for a long bad blind date. Then I came in, slow motion hair blowing all around me...lol...No I just walked in and we met and we have been inseperable ever since.